What is Western Medical Acupuncture?
Western Medical Acupuncture is an adaption of traditional acupuncture. It can be used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions and is especially effective at reducing pain. Using current knowledge of anatomy, and physiology and the principles of evidence- based medicine.
Western Medical Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine pre wrapped sterile disposable needles inserted into specific points on the body and sometimes in the ear.The needles are inserted just under the skin or deeper so they reach muscle tissue. The amount of needles uses vary from patient to patient. Once the needles are in place they may be left in position for up to 20-30 minutes. Typically between 1-12 points will be used during your treatment session. Often during a course of a few sessions, different points will be selected as your condition changes.
How does Western Medical Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture stimulates the nerves in skin and muscles, and can produce a variety of effects. It increases the body’s release of natural pain killers- endorphin and serotonin- in pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain. This modifies the way pain signals are received. Research shows that acupuncture can affect most of the body’s systems; the nervous system, muscle tone, hormones, circulation, respiratory, digestive ,urinary , and reproductive systems.
(MRI scans do show consistently acupuncture has an immediate specific effect on the brain)
During a consultation I will ask you about your lifestyle and medical history. A full medical history is essential to obtain a symptom picture for treatment.You will be asked about your current symptoms, whether you have seen your GP and any other treatments you are already undergoing for your condition.This is extremely important as it will allow me to obtain a clear picture of your overall health and to identify an individual patient programme that will be devised when your consultation is complete.
A patient treatment programme may also include:
Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture this involves the stimulation of the external part of the ear in order to treat health conditions in other parts of the body. Tiny seeds or pyonex needles are applied to the ear painless insertion and held in place with medical tape. The seeds can be manually stimulated by the patient at home in cases of acute pain. Premio 10 moxa device is also used. Moxa is a herb traditionally burnt by acupuncture in order to warm the body during treatment. The Premio 10 device uses an infrared emitter which stimulates the effects of moxa without any smoke or ash. EAP Electro Acupuncture in which a small electrical current is passed between the pairs of acupuncture needles and is extremely effective in treating pain.
Premio 10 moxa device is also used. Moxa is an herb traditionally burnt by acupuncture in order to warm the body during treatment. The Premio 10 device uses an infrared emitter which stimulates the effects of moxa without any smoke or ash.
EAP Electro Acupuncture in which a small electrical current is passed between the pairs of acupuncture needles and is extremely effective in treating pain.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Patients may feel a tingling or a dull ache. You should not experience any significant pain. There are also very few side effects to acupuncture.*Patients that may be not suitable for acupuncture due to a slight risk of bleeding, patients with bleeding disorders such as haemophilia (where the blood is unable to clot) may not be able to have acupuncture.
If you take medicine to prevent blood clots, you must speak to your GP before you have acupuncture. It is generally SAFE to have acupuncture when you are pregnant, however, you must let your acupuncturist know if you are pregnant as certain points cannot be used safely during pregnancy.
Conditions that may respond with Western Medical Acupuncture?
Management of Chronic Pain
Frozen Shoulder – Pre-menstrual tension – Back and neck pain – Labour pain control – Osteoarthritis – Hyperhidrosis – Rotator cuff injury – IBS – Rheumatoid Arthritis – Nausea (from pregnancy)
Knee pain – Nervous depression – Sciatica – Dyspepsia – Colitis – TMJ – Eczema – Dental pain – Asthma – Bronchitis – Sports Injuries – Sinusitis and rhinitis – Whiplash – Fibromyalgia
Bells Palsy and Trigeminal Neuralgia – Peripheral neuropathy – Dermatological conditions – Psoriasis – Acne – Gynaecological conditions – Hot flushes – Migrane
Infertility – Hayfever – Tinnitus – Acute Anxiety – Addictions: Drugs, Alchohol, Smoking
Management of cancer: Nausea, Constipation, Neuropathy, lowered immunity, digestive problems, dry mouth, chronic pain
In Addition:
Currently using an additional service for patients, a specialised technique for rapid pain relief of chronic pain.(Battlefield Acupuncture) is being used extensively by American Forces to alleviate pain during conflicts, reduces stress and promotes rapid recovery from injury on the battlefield, and can also be used in civilian life for rapid results in pain reduction.
Battlefield Acupuncture was developed by Dr Richard Niemtzow a former Radiation Oncologist developed this incredible protocol. Most Patients report immediate results in their pain level being reduced dramatically/ eliminated within minutes for any type of pain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFZCZohXIwA
Numerous patients that I have treated using this technique have reported immediate results Sciatica / Back Pain, Migraine, Hip, Knee pain, The procedure: ASP GOLD Semi Permanent Needles are inserted into the patients ear the ASP needles are designed to stay in the ear for 3-5 days or longer.
This procedure for patients is too valuable to overlook. It is also extremely effective for any psychological or stress related issues.Battlefield Acupuncture has the potential to be the answer you have been looking for. I have been trained by American Acupuncturist John Howard who was taught by Dr Richard Niemtzow, the developer of Battlefield Acupuncture.. “We’ve got a culture pill for every ill” and Acupuncture has very few side effects.